Mega Man: Revenge of the Mets

One day I was feeling nostalgic and I wanted to play a game from my childhood. I liked Mega Man a lot so I decided to get a copy of Mega Man I. I saw an old man at a garage sale. I asked him if he had a copy of Mega Man, and he said he did. He gave me an NES cartridge with only a piece of duct tape that said "megaman" for a label. I went home and put it into my NES. I selected the Gutsman level. When I went into the level, I saw a Mettaur, and I shot it. It exploded into blood, with a splattering sound. This wasn't just normal pixelated blood, it was hyper-realistic. I was freaked out, but I kept playing. For some reason, there were no enemies in the level except for Mets. Whenever I shot one, they exploded into hyper-realistic blood, with a splattering sound and occasionally a scream. This was starting to scare me a lot. I threw up all over the floor, but I kept playing. When I got to the end of the level, into the boss room, Gutsman wasn't there. There was only a single Met at the end of the room. A text box appeared, saying: "YOU HAVE KILLED ALL OF US. WE ARE WEAK ALONE, BUT WHEN WE ARE TOGETHER WE WILL MAKE YOU PAY." Suddenly a bunch of Mets appeared on the screen. They were gray and covered in blood. They lept onto Mega Man, and I heard a sceaming sound. I wanted to turn my NES off, break the cartridge into pieces, and flush it down the toilet, but I kept watching the TV, paralyzed with fear. Finally, the Mets jumped off, but Mega Man's eyes were closed, and he fell to the ground.